Semper Paratus Challenge
"The Gauntlet"
July 17th, 2021
As always we are pushing the boundaries of competition and challenging the athletes. Although the workouts will be tough, it is the format that will be the test in 2021.
This year Athletes will start and finish their entire competition in less then 2 hours! Within that time frame there will be 6 scored pieces within 3 workouts.
The flow will be you and your partner completing workout 1, 22 minutes later you will start workout 3 & 4 (two part workout) finally 20 minutes later you will start workout 5.
Athletes will remain in the flow of the competition and only leave the area for a toilet break if required. Teams will be permitted one bag between them to carry weight belts, grips, tape, food, drinks etc
Workout heats will be allocated across the day. Heats will be determined by date and time of registration, the earlier you register the earlier you will compete. The first wave will be at 6:30am and we anticipate the later waves finishing around 6:00pm
Should you want all the teams from your gym going at the same time I suggest getting everyone together and picking a time to register, please do not leave it too late though as spots are limited. Registration will open at 9:00am on Saturday May 15th. You can register here:
Workouts will be released the week of the event with enough time to understand the full flow and any questions can be answered. There will be a video brief only so if your heat starts at 14:00 providing you are at the start line, warm and ready to go by 13:45 then that’s all you need to do.
Scores will be kept hidden until the last team completes the last event. We are still working on the best way to announce the winners so stay tuned for that.

Divisions & Movement Standards
There will be 3 divisions, RXD, Intermediate and Rookies. The event is same sex pairs within those categories.
If it says “one athlete” it basically means one of your team members can complete that component of the workout and your team can continue on the work required. If it says “both athletes” it means if one athlete is unable to complete that movement then your scoring opportunity will come to a halt for that event..
Power Clean 85kg/60kg (one athlete, low reps)
Overhead Squat (Both athletes, heavier the better)
Strict HSPU (both athletes, low reps)
Pistol (both athletes)
Double Under
Thruster 60/40kg (one athlete)
Ring Muscle Up (one athlete)
TTB (one athlete)
Power Clean 65kg/50kg (one athlete)
Overhead Squat (both athletes, heavier the better)
Kipping HSPU (both athletes, low reps)
Pistol (both athletes or Double DB Box Step Over 22.5/15kg 1:1)
Double Unders
Thruster 53/38kg (one athlete)
Chest to Bar Pull ups (one athlete)
TTB (one athlete)
(beginner competitors)
Power Clean 40/30kg
Front Squat
Double DB Push Press 15/10kg (both athletes)
Skip (both athletes)
Shoulder to Over Head 40/30kg (one athlete)
Pull Ups (one athlete, partner assist allowed)

Spectators, Volunteers, 2020 Competitors, Things you need to know
2020 Online Qualifier Athletes
You guys will get first opportunity to register. Those who completed and qualified for the cancelled 2020 Semper Paratus Challenge will get the first opportunity to register for 2021. You will receive an email with instructions on or before May 8th. Teams that entered and paid for the Online Challenge were never charged for the “in person” event that was cancelled due to COVID, if any team believes they have been incorrectly charged or have paid for an event beyond the registration fee for the online competition please let us know immediately.
We need you! Our plan is to work with our equipment and apparel partners to secure a worthy thank you gift for anyone who judges or volunteers for the day. To make this rollout smoothly we anticipate needing 60 judges and another 40 volunteers. Keen to help out then please register here:
I am a legend
We will be asking spectators to pay $5 on entry, kids are free. This money will go straight to feeding and supporting the army of people donating their weekend to make the event possible.
What you might want to bring:
Weight Belt
Towel (Compulsory)
Hand grips
Nutrition you can consume intra-workout
Strapping Tape
Skipping Rope
What you won’t need…
Sleeping bag
Unsupervised Kids